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The Old Rectory, Netherbury

The Old Rectory is a 5 acre valley garden in the beautiful village of Netherbury


GAP Photos/Juliette Wade/Design:Simon and Amanda Mehigan

Feature No:   575 

Qty of Images:    39 


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Images available for use by license only.

This accomplished private garden has been entirely designed by the owners; it has been planted to be at its best in spring and has stunning views of the church and Dorset hills beyond.

There are formal areas around the house with topiary and knot beds filled with spring bulbs and clematis. Natural planting features beyond this with wildlife in mind and for ease of maintenance. In the valley there is an extensive bog garden with a beautiful summer house and naturalised bulbs and wild flora. There are woodland areas with heavy underplanting featuring native plants like wild garlic.

The garden also includes a formal avenue leading to a gothick style beech house to overlook the the stunning views beyond. A vegetable garden has been created with a collection of vintage garden tools. The view to the church has been framed by a cassellated double hedge. Camassias and bluebells feature in the orchard. Work on the woodland and orchard continue. The garden is open for the NGS and private visits



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