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The Cors, Carmarthenshire

A distinctive 2½ acre garden in the small town of Laugharne on the Taf River estuary.


GAP Photos/Carole Drake/Designer: Nick Priestland

Feature No:   471 

Qty of Images:    57 


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The word 'cors' means bog in Welsh, a clue to the site's watery character and its suitability for plants that love damp conditions such as Gunnera manicata and ferns. Created by Nick Priestland, owner and chef of the restaurant at its heart. It's full of quirky incidents, strange objects artfully placed and strong contrasts of plant form. Everywhere there is evidence of a clever designer at work.

In autumn Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy' lights up the garden with its scarlet, crimson and orange heart-shaped leaves, a wonderful contrast to the strong evergreens elsewhere, clipped box and pencil cypresses. Verbena bonariensis continues to serve butterflies and bees, beside the tables where diners can enjoy their evening meals on the terrace. The garden opens under the National Gardens Scheme.



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